
For a number of years a small group of guys and their families have been traveling to various “vet” and vintage motocross events around Canada and the United States and they have been having a blast! Several times it has been mentioned by various members of the group that we should try to put something together for us here in Manitoba. On March 1, 2011 a group of 25 dedicated moto enthusiasts gathered together and layed the foundation for a new club in Manitoba. This club will focus on grassroots vet/vintage riding and racing in a family atmosphere.

2023 MOTMX Executive

President: Paul Mazurik

Vice-President: Olaf Rohm

Secretary and Treasurer: Stacey Rohm

Manitoba Oldtimers Motocross Association Constitution March 1, 2011

Article 1: The club shall be known as the Manitoba Oldtimers Motocross
Association hereinafter referred to as MOTMX

Article 2: The aim of the club will be:
a) To enhance the sport of Vet motocross and vintage motocross
racing and riding in the Province of Manitoba at the grassroots
b) To host events that are family friendly and affordable.

Article 3: Full Membership (voting) is open to all racers and enthusiasts over the
age of 30. Associate membership (non- voting) is open to all racers and
enthusiasts of any age. Only members and associate members will be
eligible to participate in club events. Family memberships will be
offered and will include a family rate for all members of an immediate
family that reside at the same location.

Article 4: The officers of the club shall be:
President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Vintage Delegate, Vet
These officers shall make up the Executive of the Board.

Article 5: The duties of the President shall be to preside at meetings, to have
general supervision of the club, to vote only when one vote is
necessary to break a tie.

Article 6: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his

Article 7: The Treasurer shall collect dues, collect all other monies due the club,
make payments as ordered by the club, keep the club accounts and
prepare financial statements as required.

Article 8: The Executive Board shall act for the club and have general
supervision over club affairs. 3 Executive members shall constitute a
quorum. The Executive is empowered to make decisions on behalf of
the club that are necessary to allow the club to move forward with its

Article 9: The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to be held once per
year in spring. Officers terms shall be for one year or until their
successors are elected.

Article 10: Regular meetings shall be held at least 4 times per year. The date and
location will be communicated electronically to the membership at
least 21 days prior to the meeting.

Article 11:The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members
with voting privileges present at the meeting called for that purpose.